Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Many people have dreams.
Dreams of being successful, being famous, 
finishing school, etc. etc. 
I have lots of dreams.
One in particular is writing a book. 
In my mind it is a little silly and dumb but I seriously want to.
I know that most likely a lot of the dreams I have will be just dreams 
and honestly writing a book?!
It will probably be just a dream too
I have been thinking that there is a way to accomplish this sorta.
I can print off my blog at the end of each year 
and wahlah!
 A book:)
So, I am going to try to blog about my life more often than every 4 months.
I want to include stories about the kids
and who knows maybe even share some feelings I have here and there.
When I am bones and dust buried 6 feet under,
I want my great great great grandchildren to know who I was
and to know what my life was like.
There are so many questions I have about family members 
who are gone now. 
I wonder what they thought and if I am anything like them.
So this is going to be my new outlet.
Hopefully I will follow through:)
This is thrown in for the heck of it
because how can you not smile after seeing that face!



I've always wanted to write a book too! Maybe we can join forces someday and make both our dreams come true...maybe write a children's book based on our crazy kiddos:)

Oh, and you are right, I cannot help but smile when I see little Brock. He is so stinkin cute!

The Brown's

You changed your blog I love!! Cute pics!! You are on a roll sista!!


Love this idea. That's kinda how I treat my blog. It's like a journal for me and I know sometimes I write things on there that no body probably cares about but it's things I want to remember and for my posterity to know. Love that you are gonna blog more and turn it into a book. I think I just might do the same :)

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